As a ser­vice pro­vi­der, we see our­sel­ves as your com­pe­tent part­ner for digi­tal solu­ti­ons that are as indi­vi­du­al as our cus­to­mers them­sel­ves. We offer pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port in your soft­ware pro­jects from requi­re­ments ana­ly­sis, design and imple­men­ta­ti­on to tes­ting and maintenance.


The focus of KUHN SOFTWARE is on cus­to­mi­zed soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment. We take on your chal­len­ges and deve­lop opti­mal digi­tal solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther with you. The core com­pe­ten­ci­es of our team are reflec­ted in the three are­as of pro­gramming, enhan­ce­ment and digi­tal pro­cess optimization. 

PROGRAMMINGSoftware development „Made in Germany„

Indi­vi­du­al IT solu­ti­ons for indus­tri­al requi­re­ments. An area in which we spe­cia­li­ze and are allo­wed to grow tog­e­ther with our cus­to­mers. We sup­port you with solu­ti­ons for pure digi­tal pro­ces­ses as well as machi­ne, mea­su­ring device and test bench programming.

EXPANSIONCustomized add-ins, add-ons and plug-ins

Add-ins, add-ons, plug-ins, are not for­eign words for us. With the help of the pro­gramming inter­face, also API (eng­lish app­li­ca­ti­on pro­gramming inter­face), we link to exis­ting soft­ware and sup­ple­ment it with spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons. CAD data con­ver­si­on, auto­ma­tic tool and drawing genera­ti­on as well as digi­tal sequence auto­ma­ti­on are just a few examp­les of indi­vi­du­al extensions.

DIGITAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATIONOptimization models as individual as our customers

The effi­ci­en­cy and per­for­mance of com­plex sys­tems can be signi­fi­cant­ly incre­a­sed by choo­sing the right para­me­ters. With the help of opti­miz­a­ti­on, a field of app­lied mathe­ma­tics, we deter­mi­ne opti­mal para­me­ters for com­plex sys­tems of dif­fe­rent disci­pli­nes. We deter­mi­ne the objec­ti­ve func­tion, build and test a mathe­ma­ti­cal model and imple­ment it in your application.


We approach our cus­to­mers as a strong and reli­able part­ner and imple­ment pro­jects in a lean and effi­ci­ent man­ner. Our solu­ti­ons help you to incre­a­se the pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty of your com­pa­ny and to impro­ve your com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness. Con­vin­ce yourself of our capa­bi­li­ties by means of selec­ted suc­cess­ful­ly com­ple­ted projects: 

Waste optimizationOptimization with Simplex Algorithm

To redu­ce mate­ri­al was­te in the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess, the sim­plex pro­cess is inte­gra­ted into an exis­ting sys­tem. This redu­ces mate­ri­al cos­ts and speeds up the manu­fac­tu­ring process.

My Glasses – Product ConfiguratorAdd-in development for SOLIDWORKS

A pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor is being deve­lo­ped as an add-in for the SOLIDWORKS CAD soft­ware. The focus of the pro­ject is on eco­no­mi­c­al indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tion with batch size 1 for the con­su­mer goods sec­tor. This pro­ject demons­tra­tes the pos­si­bi­li­ties and advan­ta­ges of an add-in. Only with the help of an add-in can the advan­ta­ges of an estab­lis­hed CAD sys­tem be ful­ly explo­i­ted, while at the same time saving the high cos­ts of stand-alo­ne soft­ware development.

ICT-Testsystem - Prüfstand Python

ICT test systemSoftware development and commissioning

Com­mis­sio­ning of an in-cir­cuit test sys­tem for elec­tro­nic assem­blies and cir­cuits. Fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of exis­ting soft­ware to ope­ra­te the ICT test sys­tem. Adapt exis­ting soft­ware for pro­gramming memo­ry devices (EPROMS) and tes­ting a spe­ci­fic pro­duct line.

ContourTraceThe next-generation Vectorizer

In addi­ti­on to nume­rous cus­to­mer pro­jects, KUHN SOFTWARE has also laun­ched its own soft­ware pro­duct. Con­tour­Trace is a desk­top app­li­ca­ti­on that can extract con­tours from real images extre­me­ly quick­ly and pre­cise­ly. In addi­ti­on, the con­tours can be edi­ted in a user-friend­ly drawing area. The per­for­mance packa­ge is roun­ded off by addi­tio­nal modu­les that maxi­mi­ze the accu­ra­cy of gra­phics processing.

more about Contourtrace


Trus­ting and long-term part­ners­hips requi­re a trans­pa­rent basis. To this end, we offer you various forms of cooperation.

SERVICE CONTRACT – An agreed ser­vice, at a fixed agreed price.
WORK CONTRACT – The goal as the sub­ject of the con­tract, the suc­cess deter­mi­nes the fulfillment.
SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT CONTRACT – One pri­ce, gua­ran­te­ed sup­port, all year round.

Deci­de which form of con­tract is the most sui­ta­ble for you. We will be hap­py to advi­se you.


Do you need sup­port with the imple­men­ta­ti­on of your soft­ware projects?
We look for­ward to working with you to advan­ce your projects.

