Software and Extensions for CAD/CAM Applications


Export con­tours from images as DXF and SVG

Con­tour­Trace sim­pli­fies the con­ver­si­on of ras­ter images like BMP and JPEG into vec­tor for­mats such as DXF and SVG. The soft­ware excels in extrac­ting pre­cise object con­tours, making it ide­al for app­li­ca­ti­ons in mea­su­re­ment, inspec­tion, design, and manu­fac­tu­ring. It’s par­ti­cu­lar­ly effec­ti­ve for pro­du­cing foam inlays and shadow boards, stream­li­ning the pro­cess from image to rea­dy-to-use contours.

Custom Toolbar Settings – Rename and customize up to 5 toolbars
Custom toolbar

Own indi­vi­du­al SOLIDWORKS toolbar

Cus­tom Tool­bar is a free add-in for SOLIDWORKS CAD. It adds up to 5 addi­tio­nal tool­bars to the SOLIDWORKS user envi­ron­ment. The­se tool­bars, as well as all other SOLIDWORKS tool­bars, can be free­ly cus­to­mi­zed. Thus, stan­dard com­man­ds of SOLIDWORKS as well as macro but­tons can be pla­ced in the­se toolbars.


Auto­ma­ted pro­ces­ses in SOLIDWORKS

Macros in SOLIDWORKS allow you to auto­ma­te pro­ces­ses that are per­for­med by the user, for examp­le, through the user inter­face using the mou­se and key­board. Recur­ring tasks can be stored in a macro and exe­cu­t­ed with a sin­gle mou­se click. This saves a lot of time for ever­y­day tasks. In this sec­tion you will find some examp­les of macros, free of charge!

Hardware for ContourTrace Software

Area Scan Portal – Automatic Operation

Scan your objects ful­ly auto­ma­ti­cal­ly with ASP – AO

The Area Scan Por­tal – Auto­ma­tic Ope­ra­ti­on per­forms pre­cise con­tour extrac­tion ful­ly auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and in just a few minu­tes. Sim­ply place your objects on the scan­ning area of the por­tal, then with the click of a but­ton, the area is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly scan­ned, and the scan­ned image is trans­fer­red to the con­nec­ted PC.

Area Scan Portal – Manual Operation

Scan your object by manu­al­ly moving the came­ra with ASP – MO

The Area Scan Por­tal – Manu­al Ope­ra­ti­on per­forms pre­cise con­tour extrac­tion with manu­al came­ra move­ment. Sim­ply place your objects on the scan­ning area of the por­tal, then by moving the came­ra manu­al­ly over object the area will be scan­ned, and the scan­ned image is trans­fer­red to the con­nec­ted PC.

Position Marker Templates for Area Scan Portal

Use the Posi­ti­on Mar­ker Tem­pla­tes to get true-to-sca­le contours

Extend the func­tio­n­a­li­ty of the Area Scan Por­tal with pre­cise posi­ti­on mar­ker tem­pla­tes. Desi­gned to ensu­re that the con­tours extrac­ted from the scan­ned image are true-to-sca­le, the­se tem­pla­tes ensu­re effi­ci­ent light trans­mis­si­on and pro­tect your LED light panel from scrat­ches and impacts.

Create your individual products via our product configurator

MyTable Configurator

Crea­te your own table

With MyTa­ble Con­fi­gu­ra­tor you can easi­ly crea­te your cus­to­mi­zed table. Once you have cus­to­mi­zed your table, you can get the drawings and other necessa­ry files with one click. Using the BOM in the drawing, you can buy the necessa­ry parts to build the table yourself.

MyShelf Configurator

Crea­te your own shelf

With MyS­helf con­fi­gu­ra­tor you can easi­ly crea­te your cus­tom shelf. Once you have cus­to­mi­zed your shelf, you can get the drawings and other necessa­ry files with one click. With the help of the BOM in the drawing you can buy the necessa­ry parts to build the shelf yourself.

MyShoeRack Configurator

Crea­te your own shoe rack

With MyS­ho­eRack con­fi­gu­ra­tor you can easi­ly crea­te your cus­tom shoe rack. Once you have crea­ted your cus­tom shoe rack, you can get the drawings and other necessa­ry files with one click. With the help of the BOM in the drawing you can buy the necessa­ry parts to build the shoe rack yourself.
